Homebible studyUnderstanding False Prophets and Their Influence

Understanding False Prophets and Their Influence

Subject: Understanding False Prophets and Their Influence

Dear Beloved Brethren,

Continuing our reflections on the significant aspects of the last days, following my previous discourse on humanity’s fall, I wish to address another critical issue—the emergence of false prophets and their deceptive teachings.

The scriptures, our unfailing guide, have forewarned us about this peril. Our beloved apostles have specifically highlighted the risk posed by these deceivers:

  • Matthew 24:24-25 warns, “For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand.”
  • 2 Peter 2:1 reveals, “But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.”
  • Revelation 19:19-20 narrates the end of such deceivers, “And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth with their armies gathered to make war against Him who was seated on the horse and against His army. And the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who in its presence had done the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshipped its image.”

Understanding the Role of a Prophet:

Prophets first appeared in the Old Testament era. In ancient Israel, it was understood that God’s will was knowable and indisputable, though not always self-evident. God communicated His will through cryptic signs that needed careful interpretation. Prophets were inspired individuals who received divine visions and communicated God’s will to the people, serving as His instruments and intermediaries between Him and Israel.

Biblical prophets were not psychics or fortune-tellers. Their role was primarily concerned with the present, although God sometimes revealed future events through them. This was not the central aspect of their prophecy. They were messengers who received God’s Word through visions and transmitted these messages to the people. They served as preachers delivering public sermons, as political observers who critiqued ruling powers, and as healers performing supernatural actions.

Prophets proclaimed oracles publicly. While they sometimes wrote, the majority of their words were initially oral. Disciples of the prophets wrote down their words, which scribes later copied and assembled into oracle collections. These collections, enriched with narrative details about the prophets, eventually became accepted as sacred Scripture and were canonized as part of the Tanakh.

In the New Testament era, ushered in by Jesus, the prophetic ministry is seen in two branches: interpretative of God’s mind and predictive. The false prophet’s message is usually spurred by self-interest and crafted to please the people. Our Lord warns against those who disguise themselves as harmless sheep but are, in fact, wolves ready for the kill.

The Dangers of Deceptive Teachings:

Deceptive teachings are not merely errors in doctrine but have profound implications for individuals’ spiritual health and eternal destiny.

The Bible provides numerous examples that help us understand the severe risks involved:

1.     The Old Testament Warning – The Prophet Hananiah (Jeremiah 28): Hananiah was a prophet who contradicted the true prophecy given by Jeremiah, proclaiming peace when God had declared exile and conflict. His false prophecy aimed to bring false hope and undermine the true Word of God. The consequence of his deception was grave — God pronounced that Hananiah would die within a year for his lies, which came to pass. This narrative warns us of the temporal and eternal consequences of favouring comforting lies over hard truths.

2.     The New Testament Deceivers – Simon the Sorcerer (Acts 8:9-24): Simon, who practised sorcery in Samaria, believed and was baptized. However, his true nature was revealed when he offered money to the apostles to buy the power to bestow the Holy Spirit. Peter rebuked Simon harshly, advising him to repent for thinking the gift of God could be purchased with money. This account highlights how deceptive individuals can infiltrate the Christian community, seeking to manipulate spiritual power for personal gain.

3.     The Subtle Twist of Scripture – The Temptation of Jesus (Matthew 4:1-11): Even Christ was not exempt from attempts at deception. Satan himself used Scripture to try and lead Jesus astray during His temptation in the wilderness. This shows us that false teachings often come cloaked in partial truths and manipulated scriptures, requiring us to be deeply rooted in the Word to recognize and resist such distortions.

Tests for Recognizing True Prophets:

These biblical criteria provide a framework to help us discern the authenticity of those who claim prophetic authority:

1.     Do their predictions come to pass (Jeremiah 28:9)? – A true prophet’s predictions will always come to fruition as God does not declare falsehoods. This test helps verify the accuracy and truthfulness of a prophet’s claims. If a prophecy does not come to pass, it indicates that the prophet has not spoken by the command of the Lord.

2.     Is their commission divine (Jeremiah 29:9)? – A true prophet is called and appointed by God, not self-appointed. This involves examining whether their mission and methods align with God’s character and biblical mandate. True prophets will operate under God’s directive, often confirmed through consistent, godly character and alignment with biblical theology.

3.     Are their prophecies scripturally sound (2 Peter 1:20–21; Revelation 22:18–19)? – Every prophetic message must align with the teachings of Scripture. God will not contradict His Word. This test checks the consistency of the prophecies in the Bible. Any teaching or prophecy that deviates from Scripture is not from God.

4.     Does their ministry enrich spiritual life (Jeremiah 23:13–14, 32; 1 Peter 4:11)? – The ministry of a true prophet should lead to spiritual growth and greater conformity to Christ among believers. This involves an examination of the fruits of their ministry, looking for evidence of spiritual health and vitality in the lives of those they minister to. True prophetic ministry should encourage repentance, foster peace, and promote justice and love within the community.

Observations on Modern Deceptions:

It is disheartening to observe that despite clear warnings from Scripture about the deceptive capabilities of false prophets—who perform signs, miracles, and wonders—many believers continue to follow them without discernment. People often elevate these deceivers to leaders or even as divine without questioning or testing their teachings against the Bible.

The spirit of divination, which the Bible expressly condemns, seems prevalent as some self-proclaimed prophets exploit believers’ curiosity about the future. These prophets operate unchecked, leading many astray. The apostles and church fathers faced similar challenges but responded by directly confronting and exposing these false prophets. We must emulate their vigilance and courage.

A Call for Vigilance:

These examples serve as solemn reminders of the pernicious effects of false teachings. They not only lead individuals astray but also seek to undermine the integrity of the gospel message. As believers, we must remain vigilant, testing every spirit and every teaching against the truth of Scripture (1 John 4:1). We must be discerning, seeking wisdom from the Holy Spirit to guide us in truth and protect us from falsehood.

A Call for Discernment:

Despite warnings, many are drawn to false prophets for their signs and wonders, mistaking these for divine approval. It is crucial, now more than ever, to uphold the teachings of the scriptures rather than seek confirmatory signs of divine favour, which can be misleading.

At its core, Christianity is about redemption from sin and preparation for eternal life with Christ. It is not centred on miracles but the transformative power of Christ’s love and sacrifice.

As we navigate these troubling times, let us cling to the truth of God’s Word, remain steadfast in our faith, and exercise discernment in all spiritual matters. Let us diligently study the scriptures and pray so that false teachers’ eloquent but empty words may not sway us.

May the Lord grant us wisdom and protect us from the wiles of falsehood. May God grant us discernment and courage to uphold His truth at all costs. Amen.

In Christ’s Love, Truth, and Faithfulness,

Ps Jean Maurice Prosper

Visionary CEO @ Nettobe Group | President , Strategic Planning, Trade & Investment @ International Christian Chamber of Commerce (Mauritius)
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